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Clinical Rotation

You will be in your last year or final phase of studies at the time of your Erasmus+ stay in Düsseldorf? If so, you are eligible to undertake only clinical internships (a clinical rotation with up to three disciplines) within the framework of Erasmus+ Study at our university hospital. Please read through the following requirements carefully:

  • You must be in your last year or final phase of studies at the time of your Erasmus stay in Düsseldorf. This must be confirmed by your home university (Dean’s Office, International Office or Erasmus+ Office).
  • You are allowed to choose max. three different clinical disciplines.
  • Each (sub-) discipline must last at least four weeks. A shorter duration (e.g. two weeks for one discipline) is not possible.
  • You must follow the semester starting dates given by our university. That is to say, you can only start your clinical rotation at the beginning of the semester (beginning/mid October for the winter semester or beginning/mid April for the summer semester). It is not possible to start one month earlier or later.
  • Evidence of competency in German language (B2 level) is obligatory.

Please note: A clinical rotation within the framework of Erasmus+ Study is not possible, if you do not fulfil one of the aforementioned criteria. As an alternative, you are welcome to organise a clinical internship on your own and apply for a scholarship within the framework of Erasmus+ Traineeship.

If you meet all the requirements mentioned above, please submit the following documents in order to apply:

Deadline: April 5th (for winter semester) or December 5th (for summer semester)

Please also send your German language certificate B2 to the Medical Faculty via this online portal prior to the respective deadline. Following certificates with the level B2 which are no older than two years will be accepted: www.testdaf.deGoethe-Zertifikat des Goethe Instituts, Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz or Telc, covering Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.
Should you submit a language certificate other than the aforementioned official certificates or should your certificate be older than two years, you will be invited to a telephone interview by us, through which your German language skills, especially oral skills, will be examined. Insufficiency in German language skills will lead to rejection!

Deadline: April 5th (for winter semester) or December 5th (for summer semester)

Please name your desired disciplines via this online portal prior to the respective deadline before filling out your Learning Agreement. There you can indicate a maximum of three (sub) disciplines of at least four weeks each as requests. Please also upload the following documents:

Deadline:  May 20th (for winter semester) or January 20th (for summer semester) 

In order to be admitted to an Erasmus stay in medicine at our faculty, you need to prove that you have been sufficiently vaccinated. This will be checked by the Occupational Health (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst) of our university hospital. Please upload the following documents to the Occupational Health (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst) before the respective deadline:  

Once successfully nominated, please make sure you have all required vaccination documentation and lab reports necessary to the Immunization Record in time. Since it could take some time until you have everything ready, we strongly suggest you start the preparation immediately after the nomination. Check with your family doctor or general practitioner whether you have had all the required vaccinations and examinations listed in the Immunization Record. If necessary, please have any missing vaccinations carried out. Incomplete Immunization Record will be rejected. The Immunization Record form is to be completed and signed by your family doctor or general practitioner. The document Einwilligung (Consent) has to be signed by yourself. Without your signed consent, our Occupational Health (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst) is not able to inform us that your Immunization Record is complete. Lack of this information, we are not able to admit you to the Erasmus semester.  

Please upload the required documents here:  

Upload Portal of Betriebsärztlicher Dienst 

Please note: Failure to provide the completed Immunization Record prior to the respective deadline may lead to a rejection. The tuberculosis skin test cannot be substituted by a tuberculosis vaccine! The Immunization Record contains health information considered confidential to you and the Occupational Health (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst), and so must be uploaded directly to Occupational Health (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst) and must not be sent via e-mail. 

Which disciplines can I choose?

Generally, you are free to choose among the following disciplines. We are not able to guarantee that your preferred disciplines will be definitively available. We will notify you in case we are not able to place you in the chosen clinic(s) due to limited capacities and will ask you to name alternative disciplines (see below Learning Agreement, step 2). 

You can propose up to three clinical disciplines for which they would like to be considered. Each discipline should last at least four weeks. You will receive 1.5 ECTS points (Credit Points) per week.  

  • General Surgery 

  • Trauma Surgery 

  • Visceral Surgery 

  • Paediatric Surgery 

  • Vascular Surgery  

  • Endovaskular Surgery 

  • Heart Surgery 

  • Neurosurgery 

  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 

  • Neurology 

  • Ophthalmology 

  • Dermatology 

  • Gynaecology 

  • Otorhinolaryngology  

  • Emergency Medicine 

  • Nuclear Medizin 

  • Orthopaedics 

  • Urology 

  • Psychiatry 

Please note: In case of Internal Medicine, you are allowed to choose only one sub-discipline which can last maximum four weeks. A longer duration is not possible. Please indicate in any case an alternative discipline. 

Clinical Immunology

Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is an important part of the Erasmus+ programme. It should include all the internships the student is expected to undertake during the exchange. Once signed by all three parties (both universities and the Erasmus student) the Learning Agreement becomes valid. 
Please use the Learning Agreement for Study only (and NOT for Training).

IMPORTANT: Please note that the organisation of all internships takes time and can last until February (summer semester) or September (winter semester). Please be advised that we are unfortunately unable to give you any information on the status of the internship organisation before then.
It is very unlikely that the Learning Agreement can be signed before the above-mentioned periods. So please inform your home university that the Learning Agreement can only be signed by us a few weeks before the start of the semester. You will be notified, once you can start preparing your Learning Agreement.

Please make sure to e-mail us your internship request, your CV and the form “Confirmation of Clinical Rotation” signed by your home university prior to the respective deadline: 5th April (for winter semester) or 5th December (for summer semester). After the deadline we will begin verifying your internship request first and then start contacting the chosen clinics one by one to arrange the placements. You will receive an e-mail from us as soon as a clinic has confirmed. Once all the three clinics have confirmed you can start completing your Learning Agreement (see Step 2 – Learning Agreement I). If we are unable to place you in one or more of your preferred clinics you will be asked to name an alternative discipline. Please do not fill in the Learning Agreement until you have received confirmation from all three clinics. Please be advised: No applications will be accepted after the deadline! To propose your clinic preferences please use only the provided Internship Request form “Praktikumswünsche”.

Until 30th September (for winter semester) or 31st March (for summer semester)

Once you have received confirmation from all three clinics you can start completing your Learning Agreement. You will receive the access data of the Online Learning Agreement or the template of the Learning Agreement in paper format from your home university. Please let your coordinator sign the Learning Agreement first.

We will be able to sign your Learning Agreement as soon as having received the Learning Agreement signed by you and your coordinator. If you are using the Learning Agreement in paper format you will be able to pick up the original in person after your arrival in Düsseldorf.

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